Lauren, here, I hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend. I am reporting exciting news today! I am moving to a new physical office location in Minnesota and Living Tree Wellness (LivingTreeMN) will now be known as Ultimate Integrative Health.
For locals, the new physical location for massage therapy and aromatherapy is inside of the Prairie Oak Business Center in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. You can find Ultimate Integrative Health located on the 3rd floor in suite #325 with Ultimate Health Chiropractic. There is an elevator available inside the main entrance to bring you to the 3rd floor. You can also connect with a talented team of holistic wellness practitioners virtually from the comfort of your own home.
Thank you for following along and trusting Ultimate Integrative Health. We are so excited to provide massage therapy, various forms of bodywork, and aromatherapy supplies to you at our new location. Many more services to come! Subscribe to the newsletter here. Follow this link to the map and directions to our new office. Inquire here for virtual appointments.